Portfolio: mari yokoichi

Waiting waiting, passing by


Photographic project about liminal spaces in Stockholm, Sweden.

I have photographed ordinary places that you might not pay attention to. But I find them interesting and see unintended beauty. I want to capture the magic of the ordinary and not noticeable places. These places are usually busy with pedestrians, people on bikes on their way home, to work or somewhere. Places of transportation. Places we pass by every day, but don’t really see thembeyond the purpose for which they are there to serve.
I wanted to capture these places without people. Just the places themselves. Sort of like portraits of these structures and places. And perhaps that transforms them to fictional worlds created by an union of light, space and form. Aesthetics that arise in the interaction between light, shadows and geometric shapes.
I have photographed three places in the morning and in the evening. There is also a section called interval which is distorted photos in daytime.

Book link: https://webshop.publit.com/webshop/5245/9789153100003