Fotografi: Janne-Pekka Manninen.


26 april


Fredag 26 april har du möjlighet att visa ditt arbete för den finska curatorn Darja Zaitsev. Under ca 20 min får du berätta om ditt projekt och få feedback på ditt arbete.

Samtalet hålls på engelska. 

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Anmälan ska innehålla: Ditt namn och en länk till hemsida eller pdf med det material du vill presentera.

5 fotografer kommer sedan att väljas ut.

Anmälningsavgift 50 kr.

Darja Zaitsev works as the executive director and curator of Photo North – Northern Phographic Centre, and lives and works in Oulu. By education, Zaitsev is a curator (MA, Aalto University, 2018) and a clothing designer (MA, University of Lapland, 2012). In her work, Zaitsev is interested in the multiplicity and materiality of photographic art, as well as the ecological, social and societal questions and possibilities of visual art. 

Photo North – Northern Photographic Centre is a contemporary photographic art organisation, which organises high-quality exhibitions at Photo North gallery, in Culture House Valve’s premises, in the centre of Oulu, Finland. Photo North is the largest regional photographic centre in Finland and the northernmost photographic center in the whole of Europe. Photo North strengthens awareness of photographic art locally, nationally, and internationally. It emphasizes long-term sustainability its activities and choices, and actively promotes responsible ways of working in the field of contemporary art. At the core of the centre’s activities is the identifying and anticipating new forms and contents of photographic art. 
